About Us

How The Kow Literally Saved my Life

This is the story of why I celebrate the Kow for the abundance it has given me and why I do what I do.

My doctor gave me two options. Never something you want to hear.

It was 11 years ago and I am sitting in a doctor’s office as he gives the news. “You have Ulcerative Colitis, you have two options, you can have surgery to remove most of your colon and have a colostomy bag permanently placed outside your stomach or you can tryΒ dietary changes like stop eating meat.” I zoned out after that part as I didn’t know where to go from here. Both seemed like very heavy options at the time as I was a solid “carnivore” but weighing my options one seemed better than the other.

doctor | Columbus SEO Company Image
From an OSU series called Cow Portraits
This photos was taken by Ted Bigham as a series for OSU called Cow Portraits

By connecting my local Ohio roots and our goals for our clients I came up with the name.

So I went the way of the Kow. Stopped eating all the burgers, steaks, started working out, completely changed my lifestyle and my body. It’s not like I was heavy or anything either, I had some extra pounds; I could never get the body I wanted. Really though, staying up those summer nights in such pain I knew I had to make a change and part of that change was due to the cow.

I found a healthy balance and cut to 10 years later I am in better shape than ever, I listen to my body and I am proud of who I am. I owe it all to the cow and choosing myself, shout out to James Altucher who has an amazing business podcast by the way.

The name Kow Abundant comes from a play on cow and abundance. Cow because myΒ grandparents were dairy farmers and owned a dairy farm where Easton shopping center is now. Abundant represents positive thinking, abundance, helping others, and as a reminder to provide abundance for ourselves and our clients. Kow Abundant focuses on digital advertising as well as SEO and Social Media Management in Columbus. We run tailored digital ad campaigns for small local businesses based in or having a connection to the Columbus area. Many of our customers have never run a digital advertising campaign before or have just started and are looking for honest help and understanding withΒ what digital marketing is about and how it can grow their business.

I would like to give a special thank you to Seth Godin, we shared emails when I first started the company and he helped me mine the gold that was within me to come up with the name, Kow Abundant. By connecting my local Ohio roots and our goals for our clients I came up with the name. I honor my family’s entrepreneurialΒ spirit and hope to better the community by helping local businesses better understand digital marketing and the changing times we live in.

Please view our pricing and product page by clicking the link below and I hope to meet with you soon!
– Ted

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