June 2020 SEO Newsletter – Top SEO Tips & Questions

Video Link – Click to play the June 2020 Video SEO Newsletter.

Top Client Questions Of The Month:

Thanks to all the clients and newcomers for these great questions. Watch the Video Newsletter above for more detailed answers. Here they are.

1. Google reviews, does my customer have to resubmit a google review for it to be added?
– Google announced that Google reviews are back online and that past reviews that were able to be submitted will now show up. Check and answer your reviews now.

2. What does Google Ads classify incomes as?
Top 10%, above $146,001.
11-20%, $131,001 to $146,000.
21-30%, $111,001 to $131,000.
31-40%, $96,001 to $111,000.
41-50%, $64,001 to $96,000.
Lower 50%, $0 to $64,000.

3. Does Youtube tell us how our competitors are spending?
– No, unlike search and display, Youtube does not have Auction insights or audiences in that way. Since users aren’t categorized that way on Youtube or can be individuals they do not have that data.

4. I created two accounts in google ads, if I click cancel my account, will it go away?
– For reasons of due diligence, Google does not fully delete ad accounts. Your account will always be available even if marked as deleted.

5. What is the best path for conversions for the ad?
– That depends on your business and your goals. If it is to get a lead you have to think what is best for my customers? Is that a phone call, a message, a contact link, even a social messenger message? Generally, customers begin with measuring time on site as a main trigger for an audience, then number of pages visited. These lead well to contact lead options like a message or phone call for Google Ads conversion optimization. Watch video for full details.

6. Does Google Ads give you the IP address or info about who clicked?
– No, that information is private and Google does not give you specific name, address, or IP info of who clicked. In that way, it is anonymous. There are third-party tools that will show that information like Hubspot at a price of $800 per month.

7. Does much does your cost go up when you target based on income?
– It varies, but generally costs goes up if you have more specific targeting. And yes, you’d have to test it out for audiences. Costs change according to competition, market bids, and targeting. They don’t go up based on income – Google

8. My new Google reviews are still not showing up, I thought they rolled out Google reviews starting in May?
– Due to COVID-19, Google limited the functionality of several features of GMB. On March 20th Google shut off the ability for new reviews to be posted online. On April 9th the ability for new reviews to be posted and shown was slowly turned back on. Not all businesses it appears has the ability for new reviews to be published yet. You will need to wait until Google allows your listing to receive reviews. 

Most of the reviews should be displayed at a future date. No, do not ask people to double post reviews. There is no specific date on when the reviews that are being held will be visible for all GMB listings.
– Google Post

Watch the SEO Video Above For more detailed answers

Click below to support local Columbus artists & musicians and donate. As a former local musician myself, many of my friends are impacted during time time. If you have not, support them below.
So Close to their goal! $24K of $25K!!!
Donate to Columbus Artists & Musicians

SEO News and Updates for this month

Kow Abundant wins top honors, winner of 2 major SEO awards for 2020 from Expertise.com named a top SEO agency in Columbus. Also, winner of SEOblog.com top SEO agency. Read the full article here

Very interesting, Google rewrites meta descriptions and why. Example of Walmart taken Home page search not found in meta so it rewrites it. https://www.searchenginejournal.com/why-google-rewrites-meta-descriptions/370452/

Notes: This makes me think about existing SEO page titles and description writing methodologies. start with relevance and what is on the page and describing that, then add few keywords from there.

“If the answer to that query matches a specific snippet of text from your web page, then Google will probably override your meta description with that snippet of text.
If you want your exact meta description to be shown for a particular query, then make sure it’s as relevant to the query as it can be.”

Low and behold, Google came out with a statement on this on May 12th.
“Google is trying to show a relevant meta description for the term Walmart Home Page. But the words “Home Page” do not exist on the Walmart home page.
But those words do exist on the yellow star icon that has this alt tag: “Icon for spark” and if you hover over the Walmart and “spark icon” logo, the words, “Walmart Homepage” show up in an alt tag tooltip.
So what’s happening is that Google’s algorithm is trying to make the meta description relevant for the search query, “Walmart Home Page.”
The algorithm is trying to do that by rewriting the meta description. But as you can see above in the case of the search query Walmart Home Page, Google isn’t doing that so well.”

Google Search Update:
There was a Google Core Update around May 5th-12th. This caused rankings to decrease for most people.

Adding Local Pickup in Beta

Sorry, nothing fun happened this month lol.
Click below to provide local meals to those in need. The Refectory is one of the best restaurants in Columbus that my wife and I visit on special occasions and is sponsoring below.
So Close To Their Goal: $71K of $75K!!!
Donate to Provide Meals – Sponsored by Refectory

This Month In Memes

Well, it is accurate.
Can you spot the motorcycle?
Wait a minute…
This was a very clever trick, except for the misspelling.

The Thermostat With Jason Barger Podcast
We just wrapped on season 2, the response has been great! Check out this podcast that I help create with Jason.

Don’t Forget About Our Ebook!
I recently read the opening words of our eBook written in 2017 and the words are more relevant today than ever.

Chapter 1: The Times They are a Changin’ I don’t have to tell you that everything has changed and we are going through a major shift in not only our personal consciousness but in business as well. In the last 10 years, we have seen new technologies that have never existed before and the power of the internet is only further proving that. So what do we do? How can we cope with these changes? Many business owners seem to give up in frustration, but that is not the answer. There are solutions and ways for you to take advantage of this shift to empower you and your business. It is getting easier than ever to connect with your customers. By way of social media you can leverage the power of community and use targeted advertising to search for people down to the street level to targeting mobile devices giving you a direct connection to your customers at any time. Amazing!

Now is a great time to improve your website or get that e-commerce site going, if you need help please reach out to Kow Abundant to get you started 🙂

Please Donate to those in need via links on this page.

Thanks everyone for reading, stay healthy and stay safe!

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Ted Bigham: Ted lives in Columbus Ohio and is the owner of Kow Abundant in Upper Arlington Ohio. Also, he has written for various blogs and publications for the last 5 years. His photographs and graphics have been featured in national newspapers and ad campaigns with clients including local and national brands like Sbarro, Bath & Body Works, and Germain Lexus. He enjoys playing tennis with his beautiful wife and is the drummer for the Columbus Jazz Arts Group Community Band in his free time.

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