We’ve Moved! New Office space in Upper Arlington

Kow Abundant offices located in Upper Arlington, Ohio. We are a Columbus SEO company that focuses on improving your SEO and Google Ads campaigns. Learn about our recent move.

Kow Abundant has moved office space to a new location in Upper Arlington. The new location is at Workspace at Fishinger and Kenny Road. The location provides great access to Columbus being centrally located and packs some great amenities for Kow Abundant. Growing pains happen, see how an SEO company deals with moving a business.

New Business Owners face the same struggles

In many ways, I am going through the struggles new business owners face when moving to a new office. I now find myself updating my Google My Business address as well as all my online profiles and listings. Fortunately, being an SEO expert I work with a local partner, Advice Local, to help with mine and my client’s listings; I use the same products I offer to my customers because they work! Special thanks for Bill and Tim for getting me acclimated and in the building quickly and efficiently for that, I am grateful (online review is coming 🙂 Finally, thanks to my wife because any time you move, business or personal, it is stressful and I appreciate her understanding throughout.

Coworking Vs Private Office Space

This is our first office suite and we quite enjoy it compared to a shared open coworking space. Coworking is great for the price benefits but is quite limiting with respect to other people’s space and not interrupting others with say, a phone call let alone podcasting or video conference calls. I am the kind of person who always feels I am too loud and don’t want to annoy or bother people so having a private office is the best; I would even feel self-conscious if I chewed my chips too loud in that old echoing coworking space.

New Space Amenities

The new space features cozy conference rooms, parking in front off of Fishinger and comfortable waiting areas. The kitchen area includes all new cabinets and appliances. There are restrooms located on the first floor with all new fixtures. Our last office was a shared coworking space so having our own space has been an adjustment, in a good way. The design of the renovation here is amazing, it used to be the HER building. Several years ago there was all new wiring and flooring it looks great. Tim, the office manager has a fascinating office filled to the brim with architecture books, busts of Beethoven, Socrates, and Mozart and paintings. Some of the paintings in the office were done by Tim’s wife who was a “starving artist” for years in New York. Right now

As for my office suite, Ikea has been where I spend most of my spare time to get the office suite up to snuff and looking good. Plans to add acoustic panels for podcasting as well as a separate meeting area in the office are underway as well. The office features keycode door access and a security system which is always nice too.

Come Check It Out

I am very happy to be in such a welcoming place and look forward to doing great work here. Looking forward to showing you around at your next appointment!

Ted Bigham: Ted lives in Columbus Ohio and is the owner of Kow Abundant in Upper Arlington Ohio. Also, he has written for various blogs and publications for the last 5 years. His photographs and graphics have been featured in national newspapers and ad campaigns with clients including local and national brands like Sbarro, Bath & Body Works, and Germain Lexus. He enjoys playing tennis with his beautiful wife and is the drummer for the Columbus Jazz Arts Group Community Band in his free time.

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