April is here! Big Google News
April 1st is not only April fool’s day, it is also the start of Q2 for businesses. This goes from April 1-June 30th and marks summer as well which if you have been outside lately we desperately welcome!
Lots of companies started advertising in March and April as warm weather starts changing consumer habits. Prices for ads and marketing have increased during this time as competition increased. This is expected to lower again over June/July as more people shift to vacation mode.
Google made waves last month by announcing officially that Google Analytics 3 (Universal Analytics) would no longer be supported in July 2023. This is a major shift in ad tracking as this no longer uses cookies. Kow Abundant is ahead of this and has already started shifting most accounts to the GA4 platform. Google Ads will be updated over the next 2-3 months for conversion tracking linked to the new GA4 for all Kow Abundant accounts.
All accounts will be updated during this time to GA4. GA4 actually allows for more info to be seen about user sessions and can track conversions as well for Google Ads. It functions differently than the old analytics as it doesn’t use cookies anymore which we did a video about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
We look forward to getting local businesses into gear for the busy warm season as more businesses are looking to SEO and Online Ads for a competitive edge. We have had increases in calls and have even gotten seniors calling us thinking we are Google so that shows good SEO works!
Kow Abundant just won a major award for 2022. SocialAppsHQ named us a Top 3 Facebook Marketing agency in Columbus!
As a top Social Media Marketing Company in Columbus, we work hard to achieve lasting results for our clients using proven Facebook marketing techniques that deliver better results. We have shown that our work results in a 4x greater ROI vs doing it yourself and in many cases even better than that!
It is wonderful to be honored in this way. Read the full article and release here.
“Affordable ad solutions and social media marketing is at the heart of this accomplishment and what we strive to provide to our excellent clients”
Top Client Questions Of The Month:
Thanks to all the clients and newcomers for these great questions. Watch the Video Newsletter Here for more details.
1. View rates how they are affected when you post your youtube video on social? Does it count as a view on Youtube? How do we get credit for these views?
– Yes, embedded YouTube video views count when the video is embedded into the content of the page and a user purposefully clicks on the video to play it. – Hubspot. That being said, Autoplay videos do not count as views so if you have a video on your website that auto-plays it does not count.
2. How can you be better seen Instagram?
– It’s a grind. The algorithm doesn’t do any favors for anyone and the competition is insanely tight. The best ways to be seen are those tried and true methods of getting yourself out there. Now that been said, Facebook in particular unfortunately does favor what I would call a more toxic environment for comments and is unsavory for my tastes and one reason why I left those platforms for Youtube and Linkedin which IMHO are still possible to SEO and rank for organically with good content.
– Give value to the clients without being salesy. How to help your skin would be good since you focus on skin care.
– FB and insta live sessions too during a session and taking some questions. At the end you mention you are doing a giveaway at end of Q&A session.
– Algorithm needs mix reels & stories important, 2- 3 times per day, before and after links can be added too.
– Share and Save feature is important, that has to do with algorithm, think what type of content will be shared the most?
– Not doing stories and reels in ads but they have good power
– engaging content, good quality videos, captions on important, animation / eye catchy
– Having stories is probably your best way to get your content seen by your followers and those in your area as the algorithm will promote more local videos and posts based on people you follow.
– Again, Instagram is a grind, to be seen it requires lots of content and to get followers nowadays is really not worth it in my opinion for businesses.
– Consider Tiktok, Pinterest, Linkedin, Youtube, even twitter has better chances of getting you seen and engaging with more people.
2. What is some good gear to up our game for streaming our content on Facebook and youtube?
– Logitech Brio is probably the best webcam before you send substantially more money on an actual camera like a Canon M50 or Sony A6600. The Brio is the only webcam I will recommend as I am not a fan of other cameras in that class.
– Using a DSLR has benefits or actual camera camera for streaming along with a Camlink 4K and some good lights too. A ringlight will work or you can get light panels from B&H photo or Mpex online.
3. Should I claim my linkedin Company page or can I just create a new one (which I prefer and seems easier)?
– You should claim a page because that is less headache overall. When a page is created it was because it was not found and so you entered that company name as where you work on linkedin. So linkedin assumes it doesnt exist on linkedin and creates the company page for you.
– It is better to claim that listing and is pretty easy too. From your profile you can log out and in again, then select your profile and where you work and select CLAIM PAGE. Pretty easy.
4. Do you advertise/show on competitors’ searches in Google Ads?
– Yes, we offer that to our clients to get that extra special sauce needed when advertising. It depends how aggressive you want to be but showing for competitors searches can be a good way to get some leads from the competition. In our experience the lead conversion ratios are less than a standard main search campaign but more than other less relevant keywords that some businesses try. So overall, it is a valid search lead strategy. Kow Abundant can help your business get leads using this method and many more on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and more so contact us today!
6. How long does it take to get auction insights updated on google ads?
– All reporting occurs 24 hours after impressions occur. Auction Insights Reports only show the impression share percentage when the keyword was active. This means that competitors analysis in auction insights reporting within Google Ads is not immediate and what you are seeing is previous day reports.
If you have any questions or would like this kind of help please contact us at Kowabundant.com/contact
Watch the SEO Video For more detailed answers
Search Engine Journal: What Is A Local Link & How To Find More Local Link Opportunities.
Your business needs more video, visit MPEX on silver drive or MPEX.com I recently stopped by there and got a great deal on a new lens for my camera. They can help you find the right gear and provide excellent knowledge to get things looking their best. They even have photography classes.
Search engine Journal: Google is sunsetting Universal Analytics in 2023. https://www.
This month’s charity to support is Faith Mission in Columbus Ohio
Each month we support a charity and donate to it. This month we encourage you to Faith Mission in Columbus Ohio. You can provide Easter meals for homeless members of the local community for $2.25 per meal.
LSS Faith Mission Charity is what we support this month and encourage you to join us in a donation
This Month in Memes
It’s Tax Time… Ruff
This is
Normal people don’t have time to be this diabolical.
How most normal people are with taxes.
Does this count?
Pizza of Columbus! Which is your favorite?
Thanks for reading! Please comment below with any questions.
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