Top Client Questions Of The Month:
Thanks to all the clients and newcomers for these great questions. Watch the Video Newsletter above for more detailed answers. Here they are.
1. What input do you have on the best local ‘rag’ papers we should hit?”
– In short, this is a loaded question for me seeing as how I worked in the magazine trenches when I got my start for a local magazine that targeted young professionals with primary readers in downtown Columbus of about 10K-15K households. I saw the ups and downs and have lots of great stories during my time there.
My recommendation
Hands down the winner is The Columbus dispatch for an older demo with most active home subscribers. As publishers tout physical magazines on the streets, this no longer matters in today’s COVID times. People just aren’t getting nearly as many newspapers or magazines today regardless of their previous declining factors. Ask them about actual numbers to homes, not on the streets; they are all that matter now in terms of physical magazine/news.
Local is still very powerful. I would recommend Columbus Monthly for physical presence only (website is a separate beast). When you pay for a full-page or half-page ad in a magazine you pay for awareness and brand recognition. This should be a buy for a few months only ideally due to cost.
When looking at this problem, focus on what best serves your demo, and if you should do this in the first place. I would actually focus all budgets online and on TV and not physical.
2. My site is not showing in Google news, did I do something wrong? -Chris
– Create a news sitemap at assuming you have publisher filled correctly, submit your sitemap to search console everything there is a new article.
3. We want to know which is better to use, a similar address to our other business with a suite number or our home address for our new business? -Zack
– For SEO purposes it is best to use a business address whenever possible. It is perfectly fine to use a similar address or even the same address for multiple businesses. This is common for co-working businesses and businesses that are in the same building. Google treats home businesses differently and you may not show up of you use your home address. I have even noticed even better SEO of listings if your location is on a business street such as downtown or high street in Columbus.
4. What advice do you have for a young marketer who is just starting out? – Aubrey
– Just watch all you can, read all you can, and constantly learn cause that is what this job is. Take opportunities. Remember that every client is a person first. Watch this video for more insights on this
5. What is better SEO or Google Ads? – Roger
– That is like chicken or the egg type question as they really work well together. I wrote a piece on this SEO works well when there is a lot of data and Google Ads gives us answers to some great questions. Who goes to our site? What are they searching? How long are they staying on before they contact us or leave? All from the sales funnel side. I really look at the website as your online sales person, your online real estate so consider it that.
6. My company wants to buy a premium domain that happens to be owned by a major conglomerate. They are asking mid 5 figures, is this legal?
– Yes, this is just like real estate and they can sell privately whatever both parties agree to in price. Premium domains go for high dollars due to the brand recognition. Be advised that companies often keep domains for years as they consider them brands/assets.
Video Link – Click to play the August 2020 Video SEO Newsletter. |
Watch the SEO Video Above For more detailed answers