A Big Year At Kow Abundant Already.
This month lots happened for Kow Abundant. We were awarded 4 SEO awards already in January which was so inspiring and amazing to happen for us. We also were behind the largest midwest urgent care provider getting sold to another company, big congrats to Hometown Urgent Care and we are happy we were part of making that happen by increasing their digital awareness with paid PPC campaigns over the last 2 years. We saw great online growth for our online customers increasing their web traffic as much as 332%. We also managed to increase our revenue at the company for the 3rd year in a row.
We look forward to 2021 with some exciting news coming very soon about expansion. Kow Abundant is hiring, if you’ve got SEO and Google Ads chops then contact us at support@kowabundant.com
Top Client Questions Of The Month:
Thanks to all the clients and newcomers for these great questions. Watch the Video Newsletter above for more detailed answers. Here they are.
1. How can I geofence ad targets with Google Ads? – Julie
– Google Ads once had this feature baked in (see image)
Google Ads used to allow polygon drawing around map areas for targeting.
– It has since removed it and now you can focus on the actual locations of businesses directly or by city or mile(s) radius around an address or area.
– There are some companies that assist with that and they use what is called mobile app ID of a mobile device. This is a unique identifier each device has. One company I spoke with was Reveal Mobile, plans start at 1700 per month and are contract based so it can be expensive but for larger organizations might be worth it to check out.
2. We are running two similar companies ad campaigns, how do we limit or not compete against ourselves (one is commercial facing vs customer-facing)? – Kenny
– Keywords are a great way to limit. Be specific in who you target using audiences as well. Use keywords that are more specific to your product. One be commercial, say commercial or terms that make sense, the other being residential say home, etc. If you are eligible you can use customer match and audience emails to target and finally you can use location focus to further differentiate.
3. What is a reasonable/attainable Year over year increase in website traffic?
– It varies on industry and your business goals but 10%-20% year over year is realistic with proper SEO you can get that number much higher and it would be 30%+ is possible. Source: KMA
4. What is the difference between meta titles and descriptions and actual page titles and descriptions?
– When editing a website you have a page title but not necessarily a description. SEO plugins like Yoast give you the option to add meta titles and descriptions or the titles/desc that google sees.
5. Does household income in Google Ads demos only factor in USA? – Mark
– Google’s household income targeting feature uses a combination of location data and behavioral signals to predict a likely US HHI range. We determine if a user is likely to be in a HHI range using location data and aggregated behavioral signals. The prediction uses the same kinds of behavioral signals (e.g. website visits) as Google affinity and in-market segment data. – Google
– Household income:
This option under demographics is available for multiple countries and they are subject to the campaign type. Below is the information specific to campaigns and counties.
Display campaigns
Household income (available in Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States): “Top 10%,” “11-20%,” “21-30%,” “31-40%,” “41-50%,” “Lower 50%,” and “Unknown”
Gmail campaigns
Household income (available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, and the United States): “Top 10%,” “11-20%,” “21-30%,” “31-40%,” “41-50%,” “Lower 50%,” and “Unknown”
Search campaigns
Household income (available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, and the United States): “Top 10%,” “11-20%,” “21-30%,” “31-40%,” “41-50%,” “Lower 50%,” and “Unknown”
Video campaigns
Household income (available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, United Arab Emirates, and the United States): “Top 10%,” “11-20%,” “21-30%,” “31-40%,” “41-50%,” “Lower 50%,” and “Unknown”
6. Why would Google flag ad images that were previously approved? – Sevell
– Google uses automation to flag ads, during the pandemic there is less manual power for review and have been some issues. They are working to constantly update this and improve. Best way is to talk with a Google rep for help and to override to get approved.
7. How do I target specific people on Facebook? – Joe
– Facebook offers many ways to targeting people using data from what they like on Facebook, their profile information, their friends, posts, and groups they follow. The best advice is to think about how Facebook looks at the customer. It would consider a group of people sharing likes or interests, this could be stores they like, an age group(s), products they like or use, and how they interact with the world they live in in terms of brands they use or products they like. In terms of location, Facebook has a min 10 mile radius so it is best for larger areas with specific targeting needs to find your audiences. Facebook is more about brand awareness usually than deep channel funnel activity or sales.
Watch the SEO Video For more detailed answers |