What Fulfills You? Finding Beauty In Unlikely Places

Straight razor shave from a barber

I enjoy a good straight razor shave. Years ago, I started buying fancy razors and trying them all out and seeing which was the best. I stuck with a blade made in Isreal called Personna. It always gives me a clean smooth shave that my wife enjoys. What I enjoy about shaving is that it forces you to be mindful. If you aren’t paying attention before you know it you nick yourself and a little blood starts pouring out. Shaving requires complete focus and being present to get it right. Otherwise, you get bumps and burns on your face.

To me, nothing beats warm water on my face in the morning with some sweet smelling soap all lathered up and a nice clean fresh shave. I highly recommend a double edge safety razor with a good set of blades from your local barber supply or from River’s Edge Cutlery

What Fulfills You? Learning the hard way

This isn’t really about shaving though. It’s about finding something that fulfills you, it could be something innocuous in your morning routine, and seeing the beauty in it. This is covered in some detail in our ebook – Think Like A Marketer.

After a failed business, I decided to embark on a career path that was completely different from what I had been doing. I leaped into a home-automation and installation business in town as an associate member of their integration team. After a short stint at the company, I was miserable and other people in my family were noticing too. My mother-in-law asked my wife one day, “whenever I bring up Ted’s job his mood changes and he doesn’t really want to talk about it, does he not like his job?” The truth was I didn’t and it showed.

Not Knowing where to go? Read our ebook

In the ebook, I talk about my own path of making the decision to start another business but this time I would be successful! I developed a business plan, saved my money, and got some customers all while keeping my old job. When I had enough to quit, I did.

Free eBook sign up

Sign up for our free ebook listed above and read more about the journey of starting a business.

Let me know what fulfills you that you give a new appreciation for below in the comments section.

Photo by rockmixer

Ted Bigham: Ted lives in Columbus Ohio and is the owner of Kow Abundant in Upper Arlington Ohio. Also, he has written for various blogs and publications for the last 5 years. His photographs and graphics have been featured in national newspapers and ad campaigns with clients including local and national brands like Sbarro, Bath & Body Works, and Germain Lexus. He enjoys playing tennis with his beautiful wife and is the drummer for the Columbus Jazz Arts Group Community Band in his free time.

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