Professional Headshots can greatly improve your brand image

The Ultimate Guide to Business Headshots

Business headshots are an important piece of conveying a message of professionalism to other businesses and clients. Since I own my own business, near the top of my list was getting some great headshots of myself to use on all social channels.  Sometimes, I will write blog posts or have an email newsletter (signup below) […]

Why you need a business mission statement

Why You Need A Business Mission Statement

A business mission statement is a bedrock of what you do and how you treat customers. It spreads throughout your company and becomes the ethos to everyone involved. Businesses often overlook the simplest elements that make the ending result a total joy for the customer. A mission statement sets your company’s goals and mindset down on […]

gain following on twitter - tech users love twitter and it is a great tool to gain leads for your business

Top Five Tips To Grow Your Twitter Following

So how do you do it? How do you grow Twitter and gain a following? Most importantly, how do you retain connected, interested, and high-value users? Twitter is a great social media and business lead-generation tool if you know how to use it. The power of Twitter lies in its ability to easily connect with […]

hoops band vinyl record Routines is out now.

Mindful music review – Hoops

The crowd cheered in Columbus, Ohio at Ace of Cups as the band opened their set. The band talked briefly to mention their song titles, “now we are going to play Gemini”. The crowd cheered even louder this time excited to hear what’s to come. A friend of mine, Mike, said he was going to […]

Wordpress Live-Person Tutorial - Skype session with real person to person training. Learn Wordpress today!

Best WordPress Email Popup Plugins Reviewed

I’m going to save you some time and go straight to the good stuff. When comparing the best WordPress Email Popup plugins out there there are two categories, paid and free. Sure, if you want to spend $29 per month on an email plugin you will get a substantial amount of value from Sumo or […]

Small Business week 2017 starts April 30th

How To Launch A Business in 30 Days

How to launch a business in 30 days. Launching a business can be fun but quite overwhelming. In order to launch a business in 30 days you need planning and laser focus. Assuming you have a great idea and the skill to back it up, the next step is immerse yourself in the language of […]